Monday, 12 August 2013

Unison suggests: Could you be a Catton Grove/Mile Cross Community Learning Champion (CLC)?

Are you looking for a rewarding voluntary opportunity in your local community?
Community Learning Champions are volunteers who inspire and support friends, neighbours, relatives and other people across their communities to find out about and take up learning opportunities.

What sort of things could a Champion do?

v  Inspire and support others to take up learning

v  Tell people about learning opportunities and support them to try something new.

v  Help to set up new informal learning groups in their area.
You will get the opportunity to:
v  Attend free training that could lead to a qualification
v  Gain skills and experience
v  Increase your confidence and knowledge
v  Find new friends and have the satisfaction of helping others.
We are building a team of volunteers to work in the Catton Grove and Mile Cross areas. If you’d like to talk to us about joining the team please email: or call: 
Angela on: 07427 695160 or Rosa on: 07803 136122.
Winner of the NIACE 2011 National Community Learning Champions Award